Wednesday, November 17, 2010

digital projection

Hi class, I'm sick of the Art Center teacher/student liason website because it totally doesn't work, so I'm putting up this post so you can make your own psd file of the line and color aspects of the in class setup on Monday and see for yourself what I'm talking about with this 'digital projection' idea. Click on each image and then copy and paste them both into a photoshop file. Put the line over the color and change the layer options of the line from 'normal' to 'multiply'; this let's you see both layers at once. So with the original, analog painting, and the digital projection I can easily see where things are supposed to go according to my 'better' line drawing. It's a simple but very useful trick to know! works with any type of line drawing or even photo reference. shhh, it's a secret just for you guys! ahahahah

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